Conferences and 2025 Greetings all. This year, I’d like to do more speaking at writing conferences. Partially because I enjoy it, and partially because I enjoy giving back to the
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2024 in review It’s been a wild ride. Then again, I’m sure that’s what plenty of authors say the year they published their first book. Let’s break it down.
Something to be grateful for Yes, I know November is over. All the same, I’d like to mention something I’m grateful for in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday. It’s self
Happy national writing month I hope everyone is having a good NanoWriMo. November is a great opportunity for getting our writing hustle on and busting out some pages. In honor
Future projects Just so you all know, my next novel “Dreams of the Old Explorer” is still marching along. It’s currently being proofread with a few final (very small) edits.
Literary titan review Hey all, Journey of Seven Circles has been reviewed by Literary Titan. I’ve posted the entire review below. Journey of Seven Circles by Russell Pike tells
altering challenges keeps conflict fresh Some more writing advice this week, and once again in keeping with my upcoming lecture regarding conflict in novels. In this case, I’d like
Speaking Engagement Reminder and a pinch of writing advice 4 Hi all. Just a reminder that I’m going to be speaking at the Gathering of Writers hosted by the Easter
Hi all. Sorry about the late post this week. Long story short is a family member of mine had a baby, and I was helping watch children while everything was
Never forget the stakes Conflict is the lifeblood of any story, and conflict is all about risk. In this sense, the character should always have something to gain, and